Friday, October 7, 2016

I Dont Know What This Love Is

Seriously, why do I like you? You have been nothing but rude to me. You wont acknowledge my precise anymore. Why do I like you? Is it because you were one of my first friends in college? Is it because you had confidence in me and you believed in me when other people didn't? Is it because I saw you as not only my guy friend but as someone who I could potential see a future with? I don't know?? Maybe....I'm crazy!?! Maybe I just tolerated the first person that gave me attention? I'll be honest I didn't like you at first, hate to burst your bubble.

Maybe I actually started to believe that there was more to life than the hometown boy. I saw you more than just the stereotype "Fuck Boy." I saw you as a man not a boy. I saw you as someone I could look up to and someone I could trust. I saw the potential in you that I don't think a lot of people saw. But now I just see an asshole so why am I still enchanted to see you? Why am I hoping and praying that you are not in love with someone else? Why does my heart, my heart, stop when I see you? I just can not say HI!?! Infatuation? Maybe. Lust? I can see that. Maybe I wanted someone I couldn't have and you were just an easy escape? I can say this, I fell in love with you quicker than I've fallen in love with anybody else. I think that's the scariest part. How do I let this go? How do I move on? I don't know. I only know that I can't get you out of my head but the funny thing about that is....I don't want to.

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