Haven't anything in a while so sorry as usually. Haha
So the topic to today is about crushes (hence the corny title). The old saying, "the reason why they are called a crush is b/c they crush your heart." I personally feel like this is very true due to the fact that I have had many many crushes and all but one crushed my heart into a million pieces. Hear me out when I tell this story as to why I now feel like having crushes is actually fun/funny. Having a crush should be a rollercoaster ride of emotions but being crushed shouldn't be one of them. This is how the story begins....
Once upon a time, in a land far far away....(JK).
When you are in middle school you start to kind of develop your first crush. I remember it like it was yesterday because it felt like I just couldn't talk. I couldn't find any words. Every time I said something it came out as if it was speaking gibberish. It always bothered me because I really wanted to tell this guy that I liked him. I wanted to be brave but just could never do it. As the years went by I would see him. I would still think about it. I would wonder is this the guy for me or is this crush just not staying where it needs to stay, in the past? At the end of the day it would just feel like my heart was always breaking because I wanted that idea of the perfect relationship so bad. I didn't even realize that it really wasn't a crush anymore it was just down right infatuation. It would literally just crush my soul because I wanted that idea so so bad.
Fast forward to college years and I have gotten better about expressing those feelings and doing what the teenagers now in days say, "Shot my shoot." I have gotten a lot better about the disappoint in having a crush but here is the catcher to this lovely story. Don't go to deep into having a crush, just have some fun with it. Crushes are meant for you to just have a good time and explore what you think you want your "Prince Charming" to be. That guy that I had the crush on in middle school, haha he came back into my life recently. I was so excited because finally I was able to talk to my crush and I felt like that fairytale princess. Guess what? That fairytale didn't last as long as I thought it was going to. Remember life isn't a fairytale. Come to find out this prince wasn't a prince more like a toad. I found out he was nothing like I thought he was going to be. I found out that I really didn't even like this guy at all. All those years my infatuation got the best of my emotions and he wasn't even worth my time in the first place. He wasn't worth being crushed over. I got crushed when I really didn't need to be crushed. I look at it now and I laugh so much. I didn't let this new experience with my old crush break my heart because it isn't worth the heartbreak. This experience taught me so much about not only myself but about life. Not to give too much away about my present day life but I have a little crush again someone new and someone bright. But, something tells me he isn't Mr. Right Guy but something also tells me it's going to be fun finding out. Don't get Crush*ed*, CRUSH IT!
*Disclamer* I am not saying that you should do crazy out of control things. I am saying realize you only have one life. Live it to the fullest. Make decision that are for your best interest at the end of the day. Don't get Crushed*ED*, CRUSH IT!!

Have a fantastic weekend!
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