So I haven't posted in awhile because of school and moving back home. I just wanted to give you a quick insight into my life. I decided to get a friend to ask me 13 questions about me. So here we go! Hope you enjoy, :)
My name is Kayla and I am one of Syd's friends. We met at church camp in high school and have been pretty close ever since. So lets get started!!
Question 1: What is your favorite color?
Answer 1: Anyone who knows me knows that my favorite color is purple but I also have been enjoying the "Tiffany Blue." I would say purple and "Tiffany Blue."
Question 2: Best and Worst Habit?
Answer 2: My best habit would be I always strive for greatness in what ever I do. I want to make sure I do my best and if I fail I always get right back up. My worst habit is I put way to much trust into the wrong people and to little trust in the right people who have my back.
Question 3: What is your favorite TV show?
Answer 3: This is super hard because I love TV lol but hands down my favorite TV show is "Gilmore Girls." I could watch that show and only that show for the rest of my life and I wouldn't get tired of it.
Question 4: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Answer 4: Hopefully I will be done with college and into my job as an exercise specialist with a sports team. I really hope to be in a serious relationship that is basically the fairytale that I have always wanted. I just really want to be established as to who I am.
Question 5: How do you find genuine friends?
Answer 5: gosh, This is actually really hard for me because usually if I get a friend it doesn't last long at all. I think I just look for honesty. I look for someone who is genuinely looking out for my best interest. I do a very bad job of picking that type of friend but I look for it really really hard.
Question 6: Funniest moment?
Answer 6: omg, so a week ago I went on a trip and I was in my Nike slides. I stop to go stretch. I get back into the car and I drop one slide outside of the car. I tell my mom "I dropped my shoe outside the car, wait I need to get it." For some odd reason I must have gotten distracted and forgot to pick up my shoe. Now I only have 1 shoe.
Question 7: what Celebrity do you relate to the most?
Answer 7: I relate to Selena Gomez. Selena is basically my spirit animal. She has been through the struggle and she still gets back up swinging.
Question 8: How old are you? lol
Answer 8: I am 20 years old and turn 21 in October.
Question 9: Favorite food?
Answer 9: I can't eat it all the time because I am obsessed with it but it would have to be 3 meat pizza. Like I can not stay away when it is in my presence.
Question 10: Who is your celebrity crush?
Answer 9: Justin Bieber or Kyrie Irving
Question 11: Are you dating anyone?
Answer 11: Yessss....sorry that's a lie no. Right now I am just trying to concentrate on myself and loving myself. I just feel like to have a boyfriend you have to know who you are first (at least a little bit). So I am just trying to take the time out to be one with myself and just focus on friends and family.
Question 12: Will you ever get a YouTube channel?
Answer 12: You know I have been thinking about but I don't know we'll see.
Last question
Question 13: Who do you think will win Game 5 of the NBA Finals?
Answer 13: Kayla you already know what I'm going to say. I'm a huge OKC fan so I have no time for the Warriors so I have Cavs winning game 5. I feel like the Cavs still could lose so I am not getting my hopes up.
Thank you guys for reading and sticking by my blog site. I truly appreciate it.
Love ya,