I don't know how many people actually read this blog. I don't really know if any of you actually care. If you are reading this then please know that it will all be okay. Sometimes we go through things that are so heartbreaking that we do not think we have it in use to go on. Just know that you can.... you can go on. Everyone is their own little warrior in their own way. Know that we all make mistakes and that it is the only way you will grow and come full circle. I was always told that I was a warrior but I don't think that description fits me anymore. I think it's time to take on a new form, so to speak. I think it's time to be called the Conqueror. That's not only for me but goes for anyone out there who is hurting. The definition of a Conqueror is a person who conquers and vanquishes. This basically means that they will finish the job. I can say I have been through tremendous amount of hurt by so many people that I have love. For me, I have always got up fought like a warrior but I never finish the job. I never truly loved myself in the end. I always blame myself for everything that has happen to me and that isn't how it should be. I shouldn't keep putting myself down for everything. I shouldn't hate myself for things I can't control or for the mistakes I have made. I can only control my happiness and I can only control my feelings. Sometimes it is so hard to let go. Trust me I have been so lost for so long with that exact thing. STOP! From this moment forward do not do that! Instead forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, and forgive those who have hurt you. I know right now that it all seems so hard. I know because I am struggling with it myself. I also know that you will love that you did it in the long run. One verse comes to mind that has been in my brain for the past 24 hours.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
I've always said, why do these things keep happening to me, I don't understand. I'm finding out it isn't up to me to figure that out. I just need to open my heart and listen. The answer will come soon enough. I know the Lord is opening up so many doors for the future I just need to keep trusting him. I think the first step to that is to be happy. The second step is to hear him. The third step is to conquer. Find something that puts a genuine smile on your face. Lift your spirits and continue to do great things. It seems so hard now but later I think we'll look back and see the growth. Look back and see how far we've come. My challenge for you and I is to be the conqueror and just be happy.
Challenge for this week:
How can you change one thought today in order to make yourself just a little more happy?
Until next time!
Love Brie